Jan - May 2013
Tourism moving away from mere Servicing to Delivering Experience!
Ms. Catherine Ruth Symonds, Senior Lecturer, School of Tourism, Bournemouth University, U.K. addressed the PRSI members on how tourism as an industry is moving away from just delivering 'services' to delivering new experiences, because the customers look for more than just satisfying service. This meant the industry has to think differently.
Jan - May 2013
Sign language a major communication tool for the hearing impaired to connect with others
Members of the PRSI, Chennai Chapter, had an opportunity to interact with Mr. T.K.M. Sandeep, President, Deaf Enabled Foundation and Ms. M. Ramya, Director - Communications, Deaf Enabled Foundation, and get to know the deep nuances of 'sign language' which is the medium with which the hearing-challenged, otherwise brilliantly endowed in all respects, communicate quite effectively to connect with the other people everywhere. From what we saw, the sign language has been well developed as a masterly tool for communication and is in no way any less than the normal verbal communication.
Jan - May 2013
Our cultural apathy towards environment protection should change before it's too late says Mr. Mohammed Ali
S. Mohammed Ali, Secretary, Natural History Trust and Editor of the publication “Kattuyir” gave the PRSI members a scintillating presentation on “Nature Talks …. Are we listening?” At the end of his presentation there was not a member who did not feel charged enough to go do something about saving and salvaging what is left of our wild life and environment!
Dec 2013
Dealing with Media can be often frustrating, says CMRL’s CGM !
It was quite befitting that as PRSI, Chennai Chapter, was moving into its mood with Madras Week Celebrations, S. Krishnamoorthy, Chief General Manager - Chennai Metro Rail Ltd., Chennai’s prestigious project, addressed our members on “How to manage crisis?” He expertly rolled out details about the Chennai Metro Rail, such a massive, challenging infrastructure project, with L&T among the prime contractors. He held the complete attention of the PR professionals as he outlined the several issues that often turned out to be huge communication challenges – which called for PR intervention. So, how did he do that?
Dec 2013
Madras Film Industry was a Path Breaker says K. Hariharan
It was quite befitting that as PRSI, Chennai Chapter, was moving into its mood with Madras Week Celebrations, S. Krishnamoorthy, Chief General Manager - Chennai Metro Rail Ltd., Chennai’s prestigious project, addressed our members on “How to manage crisis?” He expertly rolled out details about the Chennai Metro Rail, such a massive, challenging infrastructure project, with L&T among the prime contractors. He held the complete attention of the PR professionals as he outlined the several issues that often turned out to be huge communication challenges – which called for PR intervention. So, how did he do that?
Dec 2013
George Jegadesh “tweets” to PR Professionals all about TWITTER !
George Jegadesh started his interesting session by asking the audience how many were familiar with Twitter. Fortunately, there were a few! He then explained to the audience the basics about all that could be baffling about Twitter: its audience, its demographics and how top brands are using it for successful marketing
Dec 2013
You must go beyond mere Objective Reporting - suggests ace journalist Stephanie Shapiro
Listing the awesome academic and professional credentials of Stephanie Shapiro, Lecturer in Journalism from Maryland, U.S.A., while introducing the journalistspeaker of the evening on 27th November ’13, Dr. Sundari Krishnamurthy made a thoughtful observation that “It was the long yards of materials which teachers gather over the years when teaching” that makes their observations very interesting to listen to. While rolling out the multifaceted profile of Shapiro, Dr. Sundari had made us to anticipate a very thought provoking presentation from the speaker – and so it was. As a lecturer, journalist and feature writer, Shapiro had visited several countries from different cultures and met people from different walks of life. Her experiences and observations obviously have molded her into becoming the complete journalist that she is.